Escape velocity nova star wars
Escape velocity nova star wars

escape velocity nova star wars escape velocity nova star wars

Stellar Convertors (For Initiating fusion in gas giants and destabilizing stars, creating planets from astroid fields, and destroying them.)

escape velocity nova star wars

Space Elevators (I know that the game uses mass drivers, but arguably several groups of space elevators could out perform mass drives in tonnage delivered in a similar time scale.) Halo Harvest was a planet that used to grow lots of food, and Star Trek Risa (sp), was mostly a tourist trap. Super Specialized Planets A La, Invader Zim (Though used comically, a convention hall planet, or mail processing planet, or fast food planet), Stainless Steel Rat series by Harry Harrison, such as silca and acidic planets with other heavy elements being turn into electronic developing worlds. If so can you build or can these things progress or develop? (In no real order.) Steve on the b12'er forum said this game was to be played over an epic length of time, which made me think of Foundation series time length or Star Wars universe length, several dozens of millenniums. So this games pretty bad ass, with a sense of realism and enough fantasy to make pangalactic conflict feasible.

Escape velocity nova star wars